(if (or (= cpu "68020") (or (= cpu "68030") (= cpu "68040") ) )
(set cpu-install 1) )
(if (exists "libs:68060.library")
(set cpu-install 2) )
(set #destdir-prompt "Please select where you want to install AmiSSL. A drawer named 'AmiSSL' will be created in this directory")
(set #destdir-help "Choose where you want AmiSSL to be stored. A drawer will be copied to this location.")
(set #cpu-prompt "Select which version of AmiSSL you would like to install")
(set #cpu-help "You should choose the configuration that suits your computer. The installation has guessed what you need, but you may change it as long as you have a computer that can handle it.")
(set #cpu-onlyone "\n\nThis archive only contains the 68000 version of AmiSSL")
(set #uninstall "You have an incompatible AmiSSL v2 installation present in your libs: path. Please remove those files before proceeding")
(set #finished "AmiSSL v2 has been successfully installed. You need to reboot your Amiga or manually add the assigns added in your startup-sequence before you can use it.")